Temple of Uxbridge Lodge

Hooray for E. Comp. Reg Austin

Our Newly Minted Past Provincial Grand Registrar!

The adventure kicked off with Reg, Pete, John, and Tom rendezvousing at the Swallow pub near Hillingdon Station, where they fuelled up with a drink or two (purely for the journey ahead, of course!). With spirits high, they hopped on a train to central London. Upon arrival, their stomachs immediately declared it was lunchtime, so they made a beeline for the Freemasons Arms. After a delicious meal, they set off for Freemasons Hall, enjoying a sunny stroll as they soaked in the lively atmosphere.

And now, drumroll, please… Excellent Companion Reg Austin received his shining new title—PPrGReg—during the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex’s Annual General Meeting, held inTemple 10 at Freemasons Hall on Monday, June 24th, 2024.

The day began with the usual pomp and circumstance, as dignitaries paraded before the entrance of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp David Allan, who opened the Provincial Grand Chapter with all the grace and gravitas you’d expect.

Then came the moment everyone was waiting for! After the reappointments and new appointments were doled out, E. Comp David called up the man of the hour, Reg Austin. The brethren from the Temple of Uxbridge Royal Arch Chapter gave Reg such a hearty cheer, you’d think he just won the lottery (in Freemason terms, he basically did!).

With the formalities wrapped up, our dashing E. Companions sat down for a well-deserved feast at the festive board in the Grand Connaught Rooms. But the day wasn’t done yet! They capped it off with a final round back at the Swallow in Hillingdon, laughing and reminiscing until it was time to head home.

And let’s not forget the MVPs of the day—the weather gods! They blessed us with perfect sunshine for our grand gathering at Freemasons’ Hall, where the warm rays bathed us in golden glory. Temple 10, also affectionately known as the Egyptian Temple, was the perfect setting for a day filled with tradition, celebration, and maybe just a little bit of mischief.

In short, it was a day to remember, full of joy, camaraderie, and just the right amount of Freemason flair.